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Setting: Residential care homes with and without nursing.

The people I connect with and seeing a plan come together. I love getting a smile or thank you from just one person, no matter who it makes it all worthwhile.
Overview of current role
I support and guide registered managers to maintain compliance over five different residential care settings, four of which are registered for nursing. I review and develop company policy and procedures taking into consideration national frameworks.
My day to day activity may be:
- visiting sites
- monitoring and reporting audits and collating feedback
- coaching and mentoring managers
- speaking with people who draw on care and support for first hand feedback
- extensive liason with relevant stakeholders.
I'm also the Chair of the Social Care Nursing Advisory Council for my local ICB to represent the voice of nursing and articulate the needs of the workforce.
How did I get here
My first job was working in a fish and chip shop which isn't the usual pathway into care careers but I also did volunteering in local care homes with the British Red Cross. I come from a family of nurses so I knew I always wanted to go into nursing.
I qualfied as an Enrolled Nurse (General) and worked in a hopsital before joining the Queen Alexanders Royal Nursing Army Corps working in military hospitals and operational tours. Upon leaving the Army I did my conversion course to become a registered nurse and went into social care in a care home.
Other roles I've had include working in/as:
- emergency department of a hospital
- social care deputy manager
- registered manager
- regional support manager to troubleshoot with homes that were struggling
- consultancy roles with pharmacies supporting them with internal quality and compliance checks in care homes.
I've also worked with Social Care Institute for Excellence and NICE to develop guidance and frameworks for social care. More recently, I've worked in general manager, regional director and quality as a clinical development nurse and care specialist which has led me to my current role.
Training, knowledge and skills
you would need to have experience of health and social care working at a management level
a sound and confident knowledge of legislation and regulation of social care services
a working knowledge of professional boundaries
an understanding of scope of practice for roles working within your services
an ability to lead and advocate across systems and sectors
Certified HEARTMATH coach and a trauma sensitive HEARTMATH coach
leadership in person centred dementia care
trained and qualified in many complementary therapies.
Qualifications and education
registered nurse - adult nursing
you would need to have the entry level requirements for a nursing degree programme
fellow of the Chartered Management Institute (coach and mentor rising stars in the health and social care sector)
diploma in mental heath, health and Social Welfare, post traumatic stress disorder and business development
masters in leadership and management
BSc in health and social care
PG Cert in quality and delivering exellence
PG Cert in professional studies in education.
Something extra about me
I am a gongmaster and recently took my gongs into play at a care home and the residents loved it.