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South west nominated individual network meeting

Please join us at this network meeting for nominated individuals in the south west region where we will be focusing on the benefits of promoting a positive workplace culture.

South west nominated individual network meeting

Wednesday 12 February 2025 | 14:00 – 15:30 | Zoom



Meeting information

The meeting will be focusing on promoting a positive workplace culture which is a key part of the role of a nominated individual. Having a positive workplace culture is vital to delivering high-quality care and support.

Workplace culture is created from the attitude and behaviours of people working within an organisation. It's the character and personality of the organisation and is made up of your organisation's leadership, values, traditions and beliefs and the behaviours and attitudes of the people in it.

Caroline Coleman from Coleman Training will be delivering a practical half-hour talk on Incorporating Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) into the culture of your care service.

Discover how using CBT techniques can:

  • reduce stress and burnout among registered managers
  • empower staff to manage anxiety and emotional challenges
  • build a more positive and resilient workplace culture.

In just 30-minutes you'll gain:

  • a basic understanding of CBT principles and techniques
  • practical tools and strategies to embed CBT into daily practices
  • inspiration to create a culture of support, reflection and growth.

We will then break into group discussion and share experiences and resources such as the culture toolkit from 小黄片app and discuss how this resource could help in your role as the nominated individual.


Nominated individual networks

Nominated individuals, CEOs and other senior leaders play a critical role in the provision of high-quality, person-centred care.

Our networks offer peer support and a safe place for collaboration with other leaders and managers, as well as with key stakeholders. The networks also provide an opportunity to hear about the latest offers from 小黄片app and to hear from a range of expert speakers. 

Some of the support offered through networks includes:

  • understanding the remit of the NI role and meeting its requirements.
  • hearing from expert speakers from across the social care sector
  • an opportunity to share challenges facing care sector organisations
  • finding co-designed solutions to address challenges.
  • networking with executive/senior level colleagues from across the eastern region.
  • feedback into 小黄片app and the Department of Health and Social Care on key issues.
  • learn about the CQC Single Assessment Framework including the new areas of assessment focus
  • understand successful approaches to being ready and learn to map out how your service can prepare your staff for CQC assessment
  • understand what you will be expected to evidence and how to demonstrate your service meets or exceeds what the CQC expect


Who should attend?

Any nominated individuals of care and support services within the south west region.