Personalised care and support planning
How to do a great assessment for someone who has autism
This guide published by Skills for Health and С»ÆƬapp is intended for people who already know how to carry out professional assessments but want to know more about autism so they can make reasonable adjustments to their practice to ensure a client or patient with autism gets the best intervention possible.
Indirect payments: practitioners' guide
This guide, hosted by SCIE and published by the Mental Health Foundation, is designed to help social care practitioners work through the process of ensuring that people who lack capacity to make certain decisions about their lives are able to take advantage of the full range of options for receiving care and support, including direct payments.
Information for social workers
Making it Real
Published by TLAP, Making it Real is a framework to support good personalised care and support for providers, commissioners and people who access services.
Personalised care and support planning tool
This personalised care and support planning tool, developed by TLAP, support councils and other people and groups to put the Care Act 2014 into practice. It is designed to demonstrate how people with complex health and social care needs can experience a joined up approach to personalised care and support planning.
The Personal Budgets Minimum Process Framework
The Personal Budgets Minimum Process Framework, hosted by TLAP, is an interactive tool. It is designed to help improvement officers and managers working in Councils, and their partner organisations, deliver Care Act compliant lean social care systems and processes which relate to personal budgets. It also addresses other common issues related to delivering the best outcomes for personal budget holders.